Friday, June 27, 2014

Once More to Guyana

Here we are back in Guyana.  This time it was to help with the setup for a Vision Project.  This project is to help organizations that work with the poor.  It helps to provide the necessary equipment to improve the eye care that these people receive.
Of course if you are near the water, you must take a picture of a boat.  This is one of the local fishing boats.  We assume the poles are where he has his nets set.

This is the waiting room at the hospital.  No this is not the emergency room.  These people are waiting to see the ophthalmologist.

If your near the water there should be a light house.

What a dizzying view.

Here we are on top of the world.
OK it's just the top of the lighthouse in Georgetown, Guyana.

Georgetown is really colorful from up above.

This is the tallest wooden church in the America's.  It is in Georgetown, Guyana.

Doctor Christiansen, Sister Christiansen, Sister Moore, Elder Moore.
This is the ophthalmologist who sets up the vision project.

In Linden, Guyana at a fruit and vegetable stand owned by a member of the Church.
Elder Poulson, 2 daughters of the member, Sister Christiansen, Sister Moore, and the member who owns the fruit and vegetable stand.

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